Essential Gear for Feeding a Newborn: Must-Haves for New Parents

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Welcoming a newborn into the world is a joyous and transformative experience. New parents embark on a journey filled with countless precious and equally challenging moments, including feeding your little one. To make the process smooth and enjoyable, it's helpful to have the right gear at your disposal. Here are the must-have items that every new parent should consider when it comes to feeding their newborn.

Breast Pump and Accessories

If you are planning on breastfeeding your child (or attempting to), it can be a beautiful bonding experience between a mother and her child. However, it's not always possible to nurse exclusively— or even at all for some parents. If you are producing milk, that's where a breast pump becomes invaluable. It allows you to express milk and store it for later use. Look for a high-quality electric or manual breast pump, depending on your needs and preferences. We recommend brands like Babyation, Willow, and this Boon Passive Silicone Pump to catch letdown during breastfeeding, pumping, or anytime you're feeling full.  Make sure to talk to your insurance provider as they typically cover the cost of a breast pump or provide one for free.

Additionally, stock up on accessories such as storage bags, nursing pads, and nipple cream (we love this one by Earth Mama Organics)  to ensure a comfortable and convenient breastfeeding journey.

Bottles and Nipples

Whether you're breastfeeding or formula-feeding, having a set of reliable bottles and nipples is essential. Look for bottles that are easy to clean, BPA-free, and designed to reduce colic and gas like these NURSH bottles. It's recommended to have a mix of small and large bottles to accommodate your baby's needs as they grow. Choose nipples with varying flow rates to match your baby's feeding stage, from slow flow for newborns to faster flow as they grow older.

Having accessories to help with cleaning, drying and organizing bottles is an absolute lifesaver and essential. Check out Boon’s Lawn Drying Rack and bottle cleaning brush set— a favorite amongst Moms.

Formula and Mixing Equipment

For parents who choose or need to supplement breastfeeding with formula, having the right equipment is crucial. Stock up on infant formula that suits your baby's needs, (we like Bobbie) whether it's cow's milk-based or specialized formula for sensitive tummies.

A nice-to-have but not necessary item is a formula dispenser, like this one from BabyBrezza, which allows you to pre-measure and carry formula powder conveniently. A bottle warmer can also be helpful for quickly and safely heating bottles.

Nursing Pillow

A nursing pillow is a game-changer for both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding parents. It provides support and comfort for your baby and helps maintain a proper latch during nursing. Look for a pillow that is adjustable, machine-washable, and made with a soft fabric. With a nursing pillow, you'll experience less strain on your arms, neck, and back, making feeding sessions more enjoyable for both you and your little one.

We like My Breast Friend Nursing Pillow, available for a discount from our friends at Rebelstork

Burp Cloths

Spit-ups and burps are inevitable parts of feeding a newborn. Be prepared by having an ample supply of burp cloths on hand. These absorbent cloths protect your clothes and your baby's outfits from drool and spit-up messes. Opt for cloths that are soft, durable, and easy to clean. Having a stack of burp cloths in different locations throughout your home will save you from endless trips to the laundry room.

We like the Honest Company organic cotton burp cloths

High Chair or Booster Seat

As your baby grows and starts solid foods, a high chair or booster seat becomes indispensable. Look for a sturdy and easy-to-clean chair that provides proper support and safety features. Some models can be adjusted as your child grows, ensuring years of use. With a high chair or booster seat, feeding your little one becomes more comfortable, and they can join the family at the dining table during mealtime.

Bibs and Utensils

Introducing solid foods is a milestone in your baby's development. Make mealtimes less messy by investing in a collection of bibs, baby-friendly utensils and meal-prep tools

Choose bibs that are waterproof, easy to clean, and have a catch-all pocket to contain spills and food debris. As for utensils, opt for ones designed for small hands, with soft silicone tips that are gentle on delicate gums. As your feeding journey continues, using silicon plates is  a great option for toddler's who love to play frisbee at mealtime. 

Feeding a new baby can be messy business, but with the right preparation and tools, it can also  be memorable and enjoyable for all involved. If you’re looking for more parent-sourced product recommendations, we love browsing the Poppylist Catalog. We hope these tips help!


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