Track Gifts in Maple for the Holiday Season

Maple is the free, all-in-one household management app on iOS, Android and web. Try Maple now by clicking here.

In the flurry of the holiday season, managing gift-giving can become a logistical challenge. Keeping track of budgets, gift preferences, purchased items & receipts, and upcoming events can quickly overwhelm even the most organized person. However, with the right tools, ahem- Maple, this process can be simplified and more enjoyable.

Above: Watch video to see how to organize gift-giving with Maple!

Create a Gift-Giving Folder in Maple:

Begin by creating a dedicated gift giving folder in Maple. You can collaborate with another user, or keep it as a private folder. All your gift information will live inside this folder making it organized and easy to find.

Gift Budgeting:

Begin by adding a dedicated gift budgeting tool within your gifting folder. You can set overall gift-giving budgets for different individuals. Allow for the allocation of specific amounts to each recipient or event.

Use Notes for Gift Ideas:

Create personalized Notes for each gift recipient. Add ideas, wish lists, and sizes. Attach links or images to these ideas to make it easy to find them when it’s time to purchase.

To-do List:

You can use Maple’s To-do list tool to pull together all the gifts you plan to purchase and save the link in the details section. This makes it easy to organize purchases. You can also create sections so you can categorize by recipient or occasion.

By creating a gift-giving folder and setting up your different Maple tools, you'll be empowered to stay organized, stick to budgets, and make gift-giving thoughtful and hassle-free this holiday season.


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