Green Parenting: Tips For Raising Eco-Conscious Kids

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Guest Post: Rent-a-Romper

When it comes to parenting, there’s no one-size fits all approach, however most of us can agree—leading by example is a critical component. Teaching kids to care about the environment can be as simple as involving them in steps you’re already taking to reduce waste or eliminate toxins in your home.

If you haven’t started taking steps to go more green, that’s ok! Green parenting doesn’t have to be another job on top of your parenting duties, and you don’t have to go zero-waste to make an impact. You can start by swapping things you currently do with earth-friendly alternatives…

Rent or buy preloved clothing

Babies and toddlers often outgrow their clothing before its usefulness deteriorates. Instead of buying new, you can buy or rent preloved clothing for your kids. Along with saving money, you’ll prevent that item of clothing from ending up in the landfill. In fact, extending the life of an item of clothing for 9 months can reduce the carbon, waste and water footprint of that item by 30%. If you do need to buy new, opt for natural fibers, organic cottons, and brands that have OEKO-TEX and GOTS certifications.

Bring nature to you

Install bird feeders, a bird bath, or birdhouse near a window in your home where your little ones can see. If you live in a city, and have window planters, try replacing flowers with vegetables or culinary herbs, which can help kids learn to connect the plants in the ground to the food on their plate.

Turn basic activities, like going for a walk, into opportunities to nurture a love of nature starting from birth. Babies can explore the texture of grass with their feet. Toddlers can collect leaves, dig in the mud with sticks (messy, we know, but a wonderful opportunity for sensory play!), or pick a small bouquet of flowers.

Opt for wooden or cloth toys

Along with renting clothing, did you know you can rent toys too? Companies like Tiny Earth Toys let you borrow a small collection of developmentally appropriate, eco-friendly toys and then swap when your child’s tired of them, or ready to learn something new.

Visit your local library

Like clothing, books often have a lot of life in them once children outgrow them. Instead of buying new books that you’ll eventually need to store at home, visit your local library, or host a book swap with friends. Titles like, “Let’s Go Outside,” by Ekaterina Trukhan and “A Stone Sat Still,” by Brendan Wenzel can help teach your child to love the earth and its inhabitants.

Get support

It’s always easier to make progress or changes with support. Join a parenting group, find a community online like @rentaromper or @growmaple, or plan a playdate with friends who share your family’s goal of living a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

About Rent-a-Romper

Rent-a-Romper is the first shared closet for babies and toddlers designed with both parents and the planet in mind. To learn more about renting a curated capsule wardrobe that grows with your child, visit


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