How to Plan a Family Trip that Everyone Will Love

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Post by Marissa Newberry for Maple

It’s officially vacation season and many families are packing their bags and hitting the road (or airways) to get to their holiday destinations.  Planning a vacation for a family with children is a very different experience than planning a solo trip or romantic getaway - so here are a few tips to get you started.

Four Keys to Planning a Great Family Trip

1. Get Everyone Involved

You may already know where you’ll be going as a family this year, but if you don’t the first step is to decide your destination and your travel budget. Your budget may be the determining factor, so make sure you get clear on that before moving forward with other planning pieces.   

Get input from family members joining the trip to select a location that excites the whole group.  Maybe it’s just you, your partner and your kid(s) or maybe you have extended family or friends joining as well.  Someone may have a great idea you haven’t considered before! 

Remember that every vacation will be different whether it’s due to the destination, season, or age groups/attendees.  A family beach vacation vs. Disney world vs. a road trip through New England vs. international travel…the planning needs to be tailored to the location and the people involved.  That’s why it’s so important to map out your trip and identify the details needed to coordinate and plan appropriately.  

Once you’ve decided on a destination, it’s time to research and select activities that work for the family / vacation attendees you have.  

A few things to keep in mind:

  • It may be easier to do museums/sight-seeing tours and other “boring adult things” with babies OR older teens.  

  • Choose more “active” activities for older kiddos and toddlers (amusement parks, mini golf, etc.).

  • Look for local playgrounds, parks and other kid-friendly spots nearby so you have a few easily accessible activities when needed.   

You know your family and what will work best.

2. Get Organized with Maple

If you like to pack your family vacation with a lot of scheduled activities and sight-seeing adventures, I recommend staying on top of your planning and trip itinerary needs with the Maple app.  

Start by creating a new Maple “topic” for the trip to house all the vacation details so you can plan certain aspects of the trip, such as:

  • Accommodations 

  • Restaurant reservations and/or menu & meal planning 

  • Research and Book outings & activities that need reservations or tickets 

  • To-do lists from shopping to packing

Look through the calendar of time you’ll spend at your vacation destination and plug in activities as they fit into the days.  It’s important to keep in mind some flexibility for last-minute changes or needs to rearrange your plans.  Make note of what things can and can not be moved or changed.  

I also recommend using the app for vacation packing lists. This is a great way to get everyone involved in the planning and execution of the trip AND stay on top of the things you don’t want to forget.  Older kids can easily track and check off their own packing lists and you can create shared lists with your partner or other family members for group items needed. 

3. It’s Okay to Plan for Yourself Parents!

We all know that traveling with children is rarely a true “vacation” for a parent.  We’re often scuttling along chasing after them and making sure they have everything they need.  But it’s so important to take some time to fill your own cup on this getaway, too.  

It’s okay to plan for yourself - this is just as much your vacation as everyone else’s.  Don’t be afraid to ask for something you want…just keep in mind you might need to do some extra legwork up front and/or spend some extra money to make it happen. I recommend doing both of the following:

  1. Communicate ahead of time with your partner on how you can split the load. Whether it’s taking a walk during nap time, getting out for a solo activity, or sitting alone on the beach for an hour, whatever it is that will fill your cup. Everyone deserves to have some time dedicated to their needs and wants on vacation, especially you! 

  2. You may want some alone time or romantic time with your partner while on your vacation. If that’s the case I recommend researching childcare options at the location you’re headed. Many hotels partner with childcare/babysitting companies and some even offer in-house daycares or sitting services. You may also want to reach out to people you know nearby for referrals, references or suggestions. You can also try a service like Bambino Sitters for recommended sitters.  If this isn’t an option for you, then look for some ways to get relaxing moments to yourself while you can. 

4. Give Yourself a Little ‘Vacation Grace’

Traveling with children is no small feat.  If the goal is to go on a vacation that everyone enjoys, give yourself grace and remind yourself that sometimes easier is just better.  A few things to consider:

  • Screen time is not the enemy.  Use technology as a tool for getting through some typically rough spots like plane travel, long car rides, and meals out when necessary.  

  • Parents should get to enjoy themselves, too! Traveling can be stressful enough and if something as simple as a kid-friendly movie will lessen the mental load of that stress - TAKE IT.  

  • Pack a “travel toolbox” for the kids to have ready-to-go entertainment options.  We usually offer a LOT of different books, coloring books & crayons, water wows and other toys first.  Once the other tools in our toolbox have been used and discarded, we pull out the iPad and everyone is happy.  

Keep it simple. 

When it comes to traveling with children or a big family, proper planning is the key. Work with your partner and travel companions to plan ahead and manage expectations, and you will have a wonderful family trip that everyone enjoys.


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