How to use Maple to manage Kids Sports

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Managing kids' sports schedules can be a juggling act for parents, often leading to missed practices, forgotten equipment and general chaos. Thankfully, technology comes to the rescue! Keep reading to explore the ways that Maple’s new suite of features can revolutionize the way you manage your children's sports activities.

1. Centralized Calendar Events

One of the most useful features is the centralized calendar that allows you to schedule and track all of your children's sports events in one place. With Maple you to create separate folders for each child or sport that has its own color coded event list. This make it easier to distinguish between events. You can also sync the calendars with Google and set reminder notifications, so nothing falls between the cracks. 

2. Customizable Notes

Maple has the fully customizable Notes option that you could have for each sport or activity, allowing you to jot down important details such as coach contact information,  equipment requirements. You can even add images or relevant links. This feature ensures that all essential information is easily accessible when you need it most.

3. To-Do Lists for Preparation

Preparing for sports activities often involves multiple tasks like packing gear, washing uniforms and arranging transportation. Maple includes a to-do list feature where you can create, prioritize, and check off tasks to ensure everything is ready well in advance.

4. Subfolders for Further Organization

To maintain clutter-free folders, you can use the subfolders feature. Subfolders can be used to house specific Notes, To-do’s, checklists and event lists. This is another powerful way to streamline information related to their sports activities.

5. Collaborate With Chat

Almost all childrens sports activities involve team and family participation. Maple has a chat feature in each folder that allows collaboration. This way, you can share information with other parents, family members, coaches, or team members, fostering better communication and coordination.

The key to managing kids' sports effectively lies in staying organized and well-prepared. With Maple you can significantly streamline the process. By leveraging technology to its fullest, parents can focus more on supporting their children's athletic endeavors and less on managing logistics. So, get ready to conquer the world of kids' sports with Maple at your fingertips!


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