Starting The Chore Conversation With Your Partner

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Guest Post: Fairshare

Household chores can be a tense topic for some couples. One might feel they are carrying more of the responsibility than their partner or they might have different ideas about how and when those chores should be done. An important first step to sharing the physical and mental load of running a home and family is to talk about it. Fairshare is here with some helpful ways to start the conversation with your partner about household chores!

  1. Start with a Quick Quiz

Fairshare has two quick quizzes to see if you and your partner are on the same page. The first is a chore check in, and the second asks your ideal frequency for various hold tasks.

2. Review Conversation Cards

Check out these 20 conversation prompts by Fairshare. These cards are a great way to figure out what is important to you and why certain things matter when it comes to household chores.

3. Check the Calendar

Check your calendars for a time when you and your partner are both free to spend 15 minutes together.

4. Have a conversation

After you have both reviewed the conversation prompts, it is time to talk about chore expectations and get on the same page about sharing chores.

5. Use Maple to share the load

Using the Maple app, create a household folder to share with your partner to make household chores clear, so that you are all in the know about what needs to get done. 

Fairshare is helping couples split chores so they don’t split up.


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