The Power of Using Maple to Prep High-School Students for College

Maple is the free, all-in-one household management app on iOS, Android and web. Try Maple now by clicking here.

As high-school students transition to college, they face a whirlwind of new responsibilities, academic challenges, and personal growth opportunities. To help them manage this exciting yet overwhelming phase of life, introducing them to Maple can be a game-changer. It goes beyond traditional note-taking and calendar functions, offering an array of features designed to streamline tasks, enhance organization, and foster effective communication. Learn how to leverage the power of household management apps to equip high-school students for success in college.

1.Centralized folders:

The transition to college means handling multiple subjects, assignments, and projects. Maple has a new folders features that provide a centralized platform for students to jot down lecture notes, record ideas, and draft papers. The ability to categorize and tag folders by subjects or classes simplifies content retrieval, making study sessions more efficient.


The ability to create subfolders within a folder is a powerful organizational tool. Students can use these features to sort notes, link assignments, and other resources by subject, semester, or project. This prevents clutter and ensures that important materials are readily accessible.

3.Calendar Events:

College schedules can be hectic, with classes, study groups, extracurricular activities, and social events vying for attention. Our calendar features i enable students to organize their day, week or month at a glance. They are able to customize each folder with color-coded events, set reminders, and two-way sync with their Google to stay on top of commitments.

4.To-Do Lists:

To-do lists are a student's best friend when it comes to managing tasks and assignments. You can create customizable to-do lists that can be organized by due dates, priorities, or categories. Remind students to break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and check them off as they progress.

5.Chat Functionality:

Effective communication is essential in college, whether it's collaborating on group projects or discussing coursework with peers. The Maple app includes a chat feature in each folder that facilitates instant messaging and group discussions. Encourage students to create study groups, exchange notes, and clarify doubts through this powerful tool.

6.Shopping Lists:

Budgeting and grocery shopping might be new responsibilities for college students. The shopping list feature enables students to create lists of essentials, categorize items (e.g., groceries, school supplies), and even set budgets for each category. This not only promotes responsible spending but also helps students avoid last-minute dashes to the store.

Maple’s new suite of features offer a comprehensive solution for high-school students preparing for the transition to college. By mastering these tools early on, students can build effective organizational habits that will serve them well throughout their academic journey and beyond.


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