Tips for Setting Goals as a Family

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Post by Briana Ellison at HIP NATURAL MAMA

A New Year tends to bring new goals and excitement. At the end of every year, we often want to set resolutions. We feel excited about the year ahead and the goals we want to accomplish, but the reality is that goals without a plan are just ideas that get lost in the shuffle. 

As a parent, your goals are no longer just about you; they now also include your family. It is essential to first get clear about what your personal desires are. To do this exercise, I recommend that both you and your partner sit down with a blank piece of paper (or an app like Maple) and write down anything that comes to mind. A great way to organize your thoughts is to break them down into categories to clarify what you want to focus on. 

Here are some categories and questions to get you started. 

Setting Fitness Goals

  • How are you going to move your body? 

  • What activities do you enjoy? 

  • How many days will you commit to exercising? 

Health & Wellness Goals

  • Is this the year you will learn to meditate or use breath work to reduce stress? 

  • Do you want to be more diligent about incorporating more self-care rituals? 

  • If so, what are your ideal self-care rituals?

Career Goals

  • Am I happy at my job? 

  • Am I living my purpose?

Financial Goals for Your Household

  • Are you saving for something special like a remodeled kitchen or a trip to the mountains? 

  • How will you put that money aside each month? 

Family Goals

  • Are there any traditions you want to start? 

  • Example: Friday night game night or Sunday movie night. 

  • Do you want to get out in nature more?

  • Plan a trip?

Parenting Goals

  • What things worked for us and what didn't. 

  • What areas do we want to work on? 

  • What aspect of your child do you want to nurture more?

Now that you and your partner have gotten clear on what you both want, here is a fun way to get your kids involved! 

We started a fun tradition when our kids were three and five, making a family Manifestation Board. To prep for this, you will want to grab a bunch of magazines, both kids and adult ones, around activities or topics you like. We sit down at the kitchen table with a big stack of magazines, some good music, and a latte, and everyone cuts out things they want to do, see, and experience in the year ahead. Once everyone has their items, you put down a large poster board, and everyone uses glue sticks to add theirs. I love this activity because everyone gets to participate. Once it is complete, give everyone a chance to talk about their hopes and dreams for the year ahead. 

Once you have gone through both of these exercises, you should have a clear picture of your family's goals. From there, you want to sit down with a planner and map it out month by month. Plan your family adventures and book upcoming trips. Map out attainable weekly goals. When we try to accomplish too many things at any given time, we get overwhelmed and freeze. The key to hitting your goals is making small steps that you can easily accomplish each week. Go through every category and add them to your calendar so that you have a clear plan of what you need to do to achieve your family's goals! 

Writing and Image supplied by Briana Ellison for Maple.


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