2024 State of Parenting Report

We're excited to share the results of our recent survey The State of Parenting in partnership with The Fair Play Policy Institute.

Nearly 1,300 parents participated in over 16 countries and answered questions about their household makeup, relationships, the mental and physical labor at home, childcare, and work/life balance.

We want to thank participants for the input they gave. These findings provide valuable insights into the support households need, and help shape future solutions and policies.

80% of parents 

rated collaboration

at home with their partner

a 7/10 or higher

While many mothers in this survey felt the workload at home was shared, the actual distribution was contradictory— mothers still performed most of the mental load and physical tasks at home.

The results highlighted a distinct contradiction between perception and reality as 80% of participants rated their collaboration at home with their partner a 7/10 or higher— in spite of the fact that about 54% of participants asserted that more support from their partner would make life at home and work more manageable.

Nearly 30% of parents shared that they rarely feel appreciated by their family…

Juggling careers, household responsibilities, and their children's needs often leaves parents feeling overwhelmed. Juxtaposed with the fact that the well-being of parents plays a crucial role in their children’s well-being, exploring the factors that contribute to or detract from parents’ emotional well-being is imperative. 

At the end of the day, only 15% of parents felt “happy”

What is causing chaos at home?

The top five areas creating household chaos were identified as clutter, lack of routines, scheduling conflicts, finances and miscommunication.

60% of household & childcare-related responsibilities sit with Mom.

 This statistic remained consistent between full-time working mothers, part-time working mothers, stay-at-home mothers, and self-employed mothers.

54% said
more support from their partner would make life easier.

When asked what type of support would help maintain healthy work/life balance, the most frequent responses were: support from partner/family, employer-sponsored wellness programs, childcare, and flexible work hours

95% of parents believe that government policies should do more to support working parents.

Survey participants answered questions
from the following six sections

  • Demographic Intake

  • Life at Home

  • Physical Labor

  • Mental Labor

  • Work/Life Balance

  • Childcare

Don't miss out on these valuable insights around household dynamics and challenges modern families face. Download the full report now.

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