How to Get Your Kids Involved in the Kitchen

Maple is the free, all-in-one household management app on iOS, Android and web. Try Maple now by clicking here.

Post by Victoria Sinagra for Maple

If it’s Tuesday in our house, you already know what is scheduled in our Maple app for dinner. Tacos! It’s become a favorite in our house. And my daughter loves making homemade tortillas. It’s something we started doing together when she was little. She has her very own tortilla press that used to be mine when I was little. Whenever I take out my tortilla press she will stop whatever she is doing and run over and ask to help.

Her getting to help out in the kitchen has also made her open to trying more foods as well. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard her say I don’t like that before she has even tried anything. So I started asking her to help me do simple tasks like throw all the veggies into the salad bowl. Then it progressed to her being able to help me cut a few veggies. And as she sits there with me she will be eating them as well.

Finding kid friendly kitchen items can be a big hit too. I found bright rainbow colored bowls and measuring cups. Spatulas and whisks that are smaller and easier for kids to handle and have fun designs. I even found a kid pizza set and she loves pizza night because she gets to roll out her dough and do everything herself.

I sometimes find myself rushed to make dinner and might not always have time to let my daughter help out. And that’s ok too. So I started to make a weekly meal plan in my Maple app so that way I can plan out what to make for the week. I always try to include 2 or 3 days of recipes that my daughter can do with me. The pure joy on her face when she gets to climb up on the chair and help me is the best feeling.

We laugh and make lots of messes and it’s something I will forever cherish!


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